Applying for Inflation Allowance

Inflation Allowances: are temporary, flexible, and variable government subsidies disbursed monthly to citizens to assist them and enhance their quality of life. This support is provided in response to the global rise in prices and inflation, aligning with the evolving economic and social conditions in the country. It addresses living expenses and ensures the optimal utilization of the provided support value

Total requests submitted according to the last five years

Required documents

  • Detailed Salary Certificate for Head of Household and Wife/ Wives.

  • Real Estate documents for leased properties (i.e. rental contracts/ percentage of ownership) for Head of Household and Wife/ Wives.

  • Proof of Income for Commercial Licenses for Head of Household and Wife/Wives.

  • Divorced women / Men: Proof of Custody from the Court with at least one child < 4 years old or at least one child who is POD < 21 years old. Emirates IDs for children with custody.

  • Families that are not part of a single family book.Proof of identity for individual family members with independent family books.

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